vendredi, mars 31, 2006

la promesse de l'aube

Comme ils l'ont dit à la radio: " nous espérons que vous avez profité du lever du soleil, splendide ce matin, parce que ç'est la dernière fois que vous l'avez vu pour aujourd'hui" ils avaient raison!

jeudi, mars 30, 2006

Nuageux, avec éclaircies

Le soleil, ç'est bien. Mais "temps couvert avec éclaircies occasionnelles", ç'est plus intéressant, non?

Région d'Yverdon, 14h.

mercredi, mars 29, 2006

Il pleut des cordes..

Mais au Birlihof (ferme des petites poires), la nature fait confiance au printemps..

lundi, mars 27, 2006

Patagonie bis

De retour de France, le printemps est vraiment arrivé entretemps!
Une peu fatigué vous laisse admirer ces images du camp de base..paisible.

jeudi, mars 23, 2006

De retour lundi

Originally uploaded by celine_bouldoires.
J'emmène Amandine voir sa famille..Au fait, ce n'est pas la Nouvelle-Zélande, ç'est la Patagonie sur les photos! Ou: mon titre de Dr. n'est pas en géographie..

mercredi, mars 22, 2006

ç'est le printemps

Leave it to me to notice two days late..
By the way, I have been in love with lupins ever since my mother presented me with a copy of Miss Rumphius, by Barbara Cooney..check it out!

mardi, mars 21, 2006


A friend of us went mountain biking in New Zealand, and just spent the night here and gave us a slide show of lots of wonderful pictures, which I sneakily saved on my harddisk. So, pictures of New Zealand, coming this week!

lundi, mars 20, 2006

scéance d'UV

Voilà ce que fait Maya (née chez moi en 2004) chaque fois que le nouveau bébé pleure..zen, rester zen!

samedi, mars 18, 2006

The year of the dog

OK, it is a little late to celebrate the new year, but I can't resist posting this picture!

vendredi, mars 17, 2006

school run the rural way

I was walking with the basset along a country road near our home, when a huge tractor pulling a wood-laden cart screeched around a curve and came straight at me at full speed. Needless to say, I moved away from its path, wondering why the young farmers always drove this recklessly. As it sped past me, I caught a glimpse of the cabin's occupants: a young child in full school garb, and grandpa steering straight ahead with gritted teeth...late for school, again!

jeudi, mars 16, 2006

Ciel pastel

Fuchsacker, 8h du matin. Le ciel est "bleu printanier" - pourvu que cela dure!

mercredi, mars 15, 2006

little frog feet

as seen on Aren't they the sweetest thing?

mardi, mars 14, 2006

favourite author

I love this pic of Sujata Massey. She is the author of the Rei Shimura mystery novels, which I re-read regularly. You've got to love Rei, the japanese-american sleuth who loves her heritage but can't identify completely with either culture.

lundi, mars 13, 2006

Terre Adélie

Un site un peu loufoque, des créations originales, et des fonds d'écran à télécharger gratuitement: chez Adélie.

dimanche, mars 12, 2006

Crack of dawn, again

I'm up early so often that I will begin pooling the pictures, so as not to bore you. Actually, I wanted to post a picture taken from Ilonka's Canada blog., but I couldn't right-click it. Ilonka is a fellow veterinarian from the vet school in Berne, Switzerland, and is currently working in Canada at a animal hospital. Along the way came Karlo the blood donor dog, and her swiss boyfriend.

samedi, mars 11, 2006

Depuis l'autoroute

Freak snowstorm on the motorway, with trucks stuck left right and center. Couldn't go forward, had to swerve to avoid dutch holidaymakers with motorhomes (also stuck). Well, it does go up quite steeply in Châtel St-Denis. And as I was stuck, I caught a glimpse of the lake and the mountains through the window. Perfect.

vendredi, mars 10, 2006

Pas d'entraînement pour cause de neige

Sursee, 12 a.m.

dimanche, mars 05, 2006

If you are a snow plough, you get snow on your nose

Even if you try not to post about animals too often..

Who could resist posting that one?

Swiss winter olympics

Avec d'excellentes conditions d'enneigement!

remarquez l'élégante rotation du genou..

Winter wonderland

A walk in newly fallen snow..

..with a basset madly a-leapin'

the way to our mailbox at 11 a.m.

de la neige, vraiment!

50 cm dans notre jardin, 65 cm à St-Gall..en 36 heures! Les autoroutes fermés, plus de chambre d'hôtel libre à Rothrist et Oftringen, où les autorités ont dû ouvrir des abris de secours (350 personnes dans des abris de la protection civile!), plus de transports en commun à Zü crois que nous allons rester à la maison..

Chasse-neige façon basset.

samedi, mars 04, 2006

Snow - lots of it!

The woods behind my house, 5 p.m., after 10 hours of uninterrupted snowfall.


vendredi, mars 03, 2006

Snow, again

Threshold of my house, 8 a.m.
Won't it ever stop?

jeudi, mars 02, 2006

Windy snow

Oberebnet, 9 a.m.
This is the top of the hill. Further down where there is no wind, there was so much snow you couldn't make out where the road was. Needless to say, I didn't stop to make pictures.

mercredi, mars 01, 2006

Les panneaux non indicateurs

Un post qui me démangeait depuis longtemps: les panneaux indicateurs, avec un nom imprononçable, qui indiquent en direction de nulle part..cela a un certain charme, non ? (Fribourg, région Flamatt)

euhh..heureusement que le numéro est précisé! je ne trouve pas les numéro 1 à 109??